Catalog |
Customers |
- compare products
- choose product state
- "catalog" mode (products not available for sale)
- display unit prices on the products
- adding upc code management (usa, canada)
- inventory archive (sales, restocking, etc.)
- improved inventory management
- mininum purchase quantity
- Unlimited categories and subcategories
- Unlimited attributes groups (sizes, colors…)
- Unlimited combinations (red, green, S, M, L…)
- Unlimited products combinations (red t-shirt, size XL)
- Automatic combinations generator
- Unlimited products characteristics
- Unlimited pictures with automatic resizing
- Multiple pictures per product
- Zoom and thickbox on products pictures
- Watermark on products pictures
- Customers’ comments on products
- Products customers’ evaluations
- eKomi module – Customers’ evaluations
- Double prices display: with or without taxes
- Choice of number of products per page
- Display of available quantities on products pages
- Sort products by relevance, price, publication…
- Printable products pages
- Catalog’s anomalies check-up (empty pages, inactivated…)
- Products categories limited to customers’ groups
- Products and accessories packs
- Attachments to products pages (guides…)
- Quantity discounts in percents
- Quantity discounts in a fix amount
- Products references (ISBN-EAN13)
- Wishlist
- Ability to send the wishlist by email
- Report of bought products on the wishlist (who, when)
- Manufacturers, brands management
- Suppliers management
- “Send to a friend” feature
- Eco tax management
- Customizable products (pictures, texts...)
- Downloadable products (MP3, PDF...)
- Cross Selling
- Products export on Twenga
- Products export on eBay
- Automatic products videos with Treepodia
- Products videos presentation with Videomark
- customer service interface integrated into the back office
- intra-community vat
- attachments in contact form
- coupons
- Customers registration, and personal accounts
- Forgotten passwords recovery
- Orders monitoring by email
- Ability to create customers’ groups
- Created carts back up
- Loyalty system (points)
- Customer referral program
- Newsletter opt-in
- Customers follow up (abandoned carts)
- Coupons sending to best customers
- Coupons sending to customers who have already ordered
- Customers having not ordered on a configured delay follow up
- Forms automatic filling with ReversoForm
- Ability to offer birthday gifts to customers
- Emails alerts for clients about a product replenishment
- Live chat support software iAdvize
Orders |
Payment |
- one page checkout
- guest checkout
- possibility to renew an order in one click
- Real time consultation of created carts
- Orders statuses customizable
- Predefined monitoring orders messages
- Configurable minimum order amount
- Ability to order products out of stock
- Returns management
- Addition of returned products into stock
- PDF invoices, slips and delivery slips
- Partial slips and refund
- Refunds with automatic slips
- Special offers (promotions, coupons)
- Discounts (fix amount, percents on the global order or on products)
- Coupons on categories, with a minimum amount or not, combined or
not, per customer, per day
- Free postage fees coupons
- Gift wrap or recycled wrap
- Billable gift wrap
- Compulsory sales conditions validation
- Moneybookers (pre-configured)
- authorize AIM
- prestashop security
- pricing ruless
- tax management by countries, states and counties for the united
- Unlimited payment means (extensions available on
- Payment means filtering per currency or country
- Payment means filtering per customers’ groups
- Payment via bankwire
- Payment via check
- Cash payment on delivery
- Google Checkout module
- Paypal™ (pre-configured)
- Hipay™
- Cash-Ticket
- Dibs
- Ogone
- Paysafecard
Shipping |
Statistics |
- choose the type of ranges (price weight) by carrier
- date of delivery
- Unlimited carriers and destinations
- Carriers restricted to specific zones or states
- Email notifications for delivery statuses (configurable)
- Package monitoring via package number
- Courser shipping with DEJALA
- Store pick-up
- Configurable handling charges
- Ability to offer delivery fees ( free, with a minimum order amount,
per price or weight)
- Delivery fees billing by price or weight
- Distinct delivery or billing addresses
- Canada Post
- Estimations of postal charges
- Envoi Moins Cher
- Fedex
- Mondial Relay
- So Colissimo
- statistics export
- Online visitors
- Visits and visitors
- Orders and sales
- Customers’ accounts, customers’ profiles
- Visitors’ equipment (browser…)
- Catalog statistics, conversion rate per categories
- Purchase price of products (trade margin…)
- Products statistics
- Best customers
- Websites referers
- Keywordss
- Best products
- Best coupons
- Best categories
- Best suppliers
- Newsletter statistics
- Carriers statistics
- Searches in the shop
- Statistics per affiliate
- Cost per click management, fixed fees per order or percent of the
- Geo localization
- Pages not found management
- Keywords searched via search engines
- Complete integration with Google Analytics
- GD (Artichow) visualization
- Flash (XML, SWF Charts) visualization
- Silverlight (Visifire) visualization
- Google Charts visualizationn
Translations |
Localization |
- geolocalization in real time
- edit email
- Three standard languages: English, French, Spanish
- Languages packs import-export from the Back-Office
- Unlimited languages – Already more than 40 translations available!
- Online Translation tool
- standardization of postal addresses for the united states.
- Unlimited currencies
- Currencies formatting
- Exchange rates synchronization
- Unlimited taxes
- Taxes per country or zones
- Taxes per state
- Timezone
Security |
- better recognition of language in urls
- SEO optimized
- Meta tags (meta title, keywords…) management
- Canonical URL – Duplicate content
- Google Sitemap
- URL rewriting
- Permalinks
- Secure Back-Office access (login and password)
- SSL compatibility
- Unique tokens in Back Office and Front Officee
- PCI DSS compliant
- Resistance to attacks as XSS, CSRF, SQL injections, distant inclusions,
path transversal
- E-mails headers injections blocked
- Passwords encryption in database
- Cookies encryption
- Blocking repeated attempts to recover passwords
Administration |
Modular Front-Office |
- ability to edit your theme directly from the front office! (liveedit)
- product page staging before posting on-line
- integrating prestashop addons into back-office
- export orders and invoices
- use 3 different logos
- web service
- generic module to import shops
- Contextual help in the Back-Office
- Customizable Back-Office
- Customizable shortcuts in the Back-Office
- Integral search in the Back-Office
- Multiple users management, and permissions (ACL)
- Maintenance mode
- IP authorization to reach the shop in maintenance mode
- WYSIWYG text editor
- Content management system
- Affiliation program
- Bulk lister - import .CSV files
- Ability to add complementary modules
- Modules On-Off in only one click
- Subdomains management
- Database backup (partial or full)
- Automatic generation of .htaccess files
- Automatic generation of robots.txt files
- SMTP e-mails sending (with or without SSL-TLS) or PHP mail()
- Specific typefaces management in PDF filess
- Products indexation for an optimized search
- Live news from PrestaShop in the Back-office
- Inventory management
- SMS alerts (inventory, new order…)
- Out of stock e-mail alerts
- RSS feed
- Export of the newsletter listed e-mailss
- Online fraud guaranty with Secuvad
- store locator
- faceted navigation (beta)
- possibility to disable content pages, manufacturer pages, and supplier
- replacing thickbox by fancybox (miniature photos).
- Easy template customization
- IE 6 compatible
- W3C compliant
- Ajax cart
- Tags cloud
- Ajax search
- Alias search
- Customizable homepage (text, pictures)
- Products scenes (products presentation)
- Tips on products pages: last purchase date or addition in cart
- Modules On-Off in only one click
- Featured products on the homepage
- Ability to insert ads
- New products display
- Ability to integrate Google Adsense
- Customizable favicon
- Breadcrumb
- Multiple recipient contact form
- Bookmark in one click
- Currency choice
- Language choice
- Products RSS feed
- Display the products in the same category
- Display the best sellers
- Display of the cart content
- Display of products categories
- Display of permanent information (legals…)
- Display of additional links
- Display of manufacturers
- Bookmark in one click
- Display of suppliers
- “My account” block
- Display of the complete customer’s account (information, orders,
- Newsletter subscription block
- RSS feed subscription
- Highlighting the available payment means
- Third RSS feed block
- Fast search
- Promotions display
- Footer links display
- Trusted Shops Label
- Fia-Net Label
- Customer's reviews with eKomi